28 March 2011

Let the Wedding Season Begin!

My brother-in-law is getting married in May and I am helping out with the decor for their rehearsal dinner. I have been picking my brain and rummaging through pictures online trying to come up with the perfect theme to suit the future newlyweds taste. Robbie and Meredith are both outdoorsy and if I had to sum up their style in two words it would be 'simplistically chic'. To keep in line with their personal style I have decided to keep the decor elegant and simple with a rustic twist. 

Today I got started on the centerpieces for the tables. I gathered some random mason jars from a local thrift store and cleaned them thoroughly when I got home. I wrapped some twine around the jars to add a little rustic touch and I love how it turned out. 

Benji and I went on a walk this afternoon and picked a bunch of flowers around from around our neighborhood so that I could use them to get an idea of how the jars will look with flowers. I used cherry blossoms, dogwoods, and azaleas for these arrangements. However, when the big day actually comes I will be using what is in season at the time. I want to try to keep the flowers pastel for a very light and airy feel. I also would love to find the perfect mix of wildflowers for a really nice carefree, whimsical look. We'll see what I find! For now, I think these gave me a great starting point though!

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