10 January 2012

a few tips for organizing your abode in style

a happy home is an organized home.
these are truly words to live by in my opinion. i thought it would be fun to gather a few ideas for stylishly organizing your abode. organizing can be really tricky and doing it in style even more so. sure we can all throw things away and clear the clutter, but it's the actual arranging and making sense of everything that can get tough. [at least for me.] hopefully these ideas will help you as well as me to get things in order for the new year ahead! 

 [real simple]

are you so tired of your necklaces getting tangled and wasting valuable time trying to mend them? simply use a wall mounted coat rack to hang them neatly and tangle free.

[real simple]

use a desk organizer to stow away cutting boards and cookie sheets neatly under the cabinet. this is a great way to free up valuable counter space. love this one! 

[real simple]

a magnetic spice rack can also double as office storage. hang above your desk for easy access to staples, paper clips, rubber bands, etc. find one here.

 [the style files]

recycle an old dresser into a new buffet for your dining room. paint it with a coat of chalkboard paint and use the drawers to organize your linens and dishes. [chalkboard paint can be tinted in literally any color you dream of at home depot.]


whether you have a library's worth of books or just a small bookshelf it may behoove you to organize by color. not only is it convenient while searching for your next read, but it's also visually striking.  

[martha stewart]

designate a pretty tray as a catch all for books, magazines, remotes, etc. on your nightstand or coffee table. 

 [babble blog]

make the most of your under cabinet storage in the bathroom. attach shelving to the inside of cabinet doors for extra space.

[apartment therapy]

save counter space by wall mounting wire baskets to organize your kitchen utensils. 


when storage is limited in a bathroom utilize a hanging basket system to store towels, washcloths, and toiletries. 

[my sweet savannah blog]

yet another idea to free up valuable counter space in the kitchen! wall mount wire baskets to store produce, drinks, or whatever else you may need room for. 

[my sweet savannah blog]

organize the garage by simply vertically mounting coat racks on the walls. what a great way to easily sort your garden tools and save floor space.

[home made simple]

use a ladder for displaying and organizing your heels! genius!


  1. Great post! I love the hanging basket in the bathroom! I use hooks for all my accessories like belts, scarves, and hats and use a CD organizer for my tupperware lids! I like the file folder for the cutting boards...I'll be on the lookout at Goodwill for that one. :)

  2. Love this post! Inspiring me to do a little revamp! I love the labeled buffet...definitely doing this!

  3. Thanks Heather! I'm gonna have to try the CD organizer! Tupperware is always the most difficult to organize.

  4. Thanks Kelly! I'm so happy I inspired you! Chalkboard paint is just uh-mazing.

  5. That's a great idea!! and they look so neat!!!

    wooden coat hangers
