12 January 2012

love list

 [zooey's hair]

[turban headbands]


this show lovingly pokes fun at all of the idiosyncrasies perpetuated by the art and design community [particularly in Portland]. tune in and be prepared to laugh at yourself!

[forks over knives]

forks over knives is a super informative documentary that dives deep into the culprit of america's staggering cancer, diabetes, and heart disease epidemics. it is necessary to educate ourselves on nutrition and to be aware what is in the food that we are putting into our bodies. i could write a novel about this subject being that it's something i am deeply passionate about, but i'll spare you. just educate, educate, educate yourselves.

[food matters]

"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food." - Hippocrates
i actually watched this about a year ago, but i figured while i was on the subject i may as well bring it up. food matters is another incredible documentary offering insight to warding off disease by utilizing nutrition.

[peach + seafoam color palette]

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