03 June 2011


So today on my day off I'm attempting to clean and organize my apartment. Yes people, all of that in ONE day. Can it be done? We'll see. Cleaning I'm definitely good at, organization on the other hand not so much. My method is generally 'out of sight, out of mind'. That kind of cleaning leads to crammed closets, cabinets, and drawers. So today I have decided to tackle all of those areas including my art closet, linen closet, bathroom, and kitchen. Before I begin the process I'm searching the internet for some guidance and ideas from the masters. 

Remember, the first step to having a beautiful home is having a clean and organized living space. Decorating is the icing on the cake!

[This space is beautiful, functional and organized. This Country Living photo inspires me to make my own desk using filing cabinets for support and an old door as a desktop. The filing cabinets would be great to store drawings.]

 [Love the idea of using an over-the-door shoe organizer for paintbrushes, colored pencils, etc. I would use a clear one for easy locating though.] 

 [This linen closet is perfect. Matching baskets are a great way to make a linen closet look great. They are great tools for organization and what makes them even better in this case are the clothespins that make it easy to add and remove labels!]

  [Nothing collects clutter like bathroom drawers. File away makeup, hair accessories, etc. in little trays. You could also use a silverware tray as an organizer.] 

[Again these matching baskets add instant organization for toilet paper and towels. Putting cotton swabs, cotton balls, and other toiletries in clear containers makes them easily accessible. Also I love the clear over-the-door container for hair dryers and straightners.] 

[Paint the inside of your kitchen cabinet door with chalkboard paint to make grocery lists, menu plans, or to do lists. Great idea! Nobody will ever know it's there.]

Happy organizing!

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