29 August 2011


Free? Furniture? I'll take it! My dad recently moved into a smaller home and had loads of extra furniture. My husband Benji and I weren't going to pass up the opportunity to frugally furnish our own abode so we went to take a look at his storage unit. It was filled to the brim with goodies. One of which was this country little table made of knotty pine. It wasn't the prettiest thing I have ever laid eyes on, but I saw potential.

Unfortunately my over-eager self did not get a before picture of this dining set before I got to work on it. Trust me, it wasn't pretty with its out of date yellowy oak stain and knotty wood look. So I bought dark stain, polycrylic and all the finishing touches and got to work. It.was.an.attrocity. The gel stain dried waaaay to quickly and was sticky and splotchy the next day. I sanded it back down and gave it a coat of trusty old white paint. I spray painted it which probably wasn't the most cost effective method, but definitely the easiest. I gave it a final spray of clear coat for protection against scratches and wah-la!

I had an extra window lying around from a previous project and couldn't stand the clutter, but couldn't dare stand to throw it away either. I mean it is absolutely aged to perfection! What is a girl to do, but tape it up and make a chalk board out of it? It makes the perfect little dinner menu for above our table!

Now all I need is a centerpiece...

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