14 December 2011

tasty tuesday [a day late] and holiday happenings!

so this past weekend was filled with lovely holiday happenings! saturday we took a roadtrip to north carolina for a Christmas party hosted by a couple of dear friends. for this occasion i made oreo truffles which were great because not only are they extremely easy to make, but they also were a big hit! my sweet husband, Benji, bought us tickets to see the Nutcracker at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta. any occasion that allows me to dress up makes me extremely happy. so for a night we pretended to be a couple of sophisticates who wined and dined and watched ballet.

[Oreo Truffles]
adapted from chef in training blog


- 1 package oreos
- 1 package 8oz cream cheese, softened
- 3 packages 6oz white bakers chocolate


grind oreos in a food processor until well blended. set aside a 1/4 cup or so of crumbs.

mix oreos and softened cream cheese together until well combined. [hands work best for this.]

roll into 1" balls and place on a wax paper covered cookie sheet. freeze for 15 minutes.

while balls are in freezer melt chocolate in microwave according to directions.

pull oreos out of freezer and dip in chocolate. before chocolate has set garnish with oreo crumbs.

refrigerate for 1 hour and enjoy!!

[cutest party house]

[kelly and i with rachael, the sweet hostess]

[my dashing date for the evening]

 happy holidays!

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