20 May 2014

diy project of the week

i have mondays off and let's face it, most people are at work and there's not a whole lot happening. so, naturally i decided to start a project to keep myself busy yesterday: houseplants. up until now i've grown a couple small potted herbs and succulents indoors and they've ultimately met their early demise under my neglectful ownership. i'd underwater, overwater or just forget they existed entirely. i'm bound and determined not to kill these guys though.

i had a few terra cotta pots that had seen better days lying around outside. i decided to give them a facelift with a little white paint since they're going indoors. 

[before : dirty & ugly]


terra cotta pots
plants of your choice
paint sample from hardware store (i used olympic's ONE)
paper bags 

[after : clean & fresh]


i love bringing the outdoors in and refreshing a space with plants. they add so much life without a whole lot of effort. another huge benefit of houseplants? they clean toxins from the air and add oxygen. score!

18 May 2014

sassy sundays

[sassy sundays]

so i've decided to start blogging again after a really long hiatus. i'm not sure exactly why it's been so long, but i'm ready to get back at it. my goal is to post style inspirations on sundays, hence 'sassy sundays'. 

this summer i'm pretty sure all you'll see me in will be maxi skirts and maxi dresses. i love the care free vibe they give to an outfit, the comfort and that they are a cool option for hot days. i love to pair maxi skirts with a loose tee shirt and a fitted jacket or a loose tee shirt knotted to the side with a long necklace. maxi dresses on the other hand are an outfit within themselves. you don't really have to do a whole lot which is what i love about them. throw on and go.

[inman park]

isn't my neighborhood the cutest? benji and i make a habit out of taking long walks in the evenings and soaking it all in.

02 May 2012

love list

[bar carts]

keep the guests happy with a little home bar. add some pretty drinkware, a tray, and a vase of fresh flowers to make it come to life.

[ralph lauren honeycomb lantern]

how interesting does this look? it's gorgeous and would look fantastic in a grouping of three over a dining table or in an  entry.

[al fresco dining]

when the weather warms up there's no place i'd rather be than outdoors.

[ce jeu by yelle]

though i can't understand a single lyric of this song, it puts me in the best mood. love!

24 April 2012

theodore roosevelt

i came across a quote today that really resonated with me:

 it is so true. living in the age of social media, it can prove difficult to avoid comparing myself to others. i often find myself perusing blogs, pinterest, facebook, twitter and whatever else feeling underwhelmed with my own life. it's not a good feeling though we all do it. each time i feel myself going down that road i will remind myself of this quote. it is definitely one to live by! :]